What they have said about Historic Characters.
Of the Rev. Dr. John Witherspoon
*Speaking with a heavy Scottish accent, the Rev. Witherspoon took us back to the Philadelphia of 1776. He brought to memory the 56 brave men who signed the Declaration of Independence. He told us of the fortitude of men like Cesare Rodney of Delaware.
*Even though I have known you for years, you were so much in character that I did not realize I was talking with an old
*You are the best re-enactor we have in the organization. Founding of Freedom is so fortunate to have you with us.
*Thank you very much for bringing this fine educational program to our chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the students of our school district.
Of Col. Beauregard T. Justice
*He was well accepted and was very knowledgeable. He knows his subject well. He has been in the places of which he speaks.
*Thank you so much. Many students have said they thought you were the best speaker they heard during History Alive. Don't be surprised if you get a call from us next year.
Of Merlin
*If corporate American followed the Code, the scandals of the last decade would not have occurred.
*We need to have your presentation in our company. When can you come?
*You are correct. Corporate ethics are not magic. They are just hard work. You present an excellent lifestyle for the 21st Century.
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